Five Things I have learnt from Assessment 1
1. My photoshop skills have improved since completing these concept boards. I am now more familiar with:
- using the pen tool: it was really hard using the pen tool for week 2 homework, but after practising and cutting out the images for these boards, I love using this tool!
- layering
- using different filters
- magic wand tool
- rastorising
- flattening images
- saving for web & devices
2. Having concept boards printed at The World of Print produces a professional end product.
It can be costly but it is totally worth it!
I learnt all the different types of paper available out there and how the gsm of a paper affects the look of our boards. Eg. silk, gloss, high gloss
3. Mounting: I tried using spray adhesive + double sided tape to mount my concept boards onto foam core, but I found it more effective to just use double sided tape on all sides. Your fingers wont be sticky and you won't suffocate either~ plus, double sided tape is much more easier to use. I must be patient when I am mounting so everything is perfect!
4. From doing this assignment, I learnt to start each component of the assignment and instead of lingering on one board, start another one and then return to the first one. By doing that and not staring at the same thing constantly, newer, fresher ideas popped into my head!
5. To start the assignment as soon as we receive the brief!